

In our fast-paced society, the need for better sleep and a restful night is becoming increasingly important, and interest in weighted blankets is growing. A weighted blanket is a blanket filled with glass beads or plastic pellets, making it heavier than a traditional blanket. They are designed to provide calming and therapeutic effects, helping to relieve anxiety, stress and insomnia. The science behind the benefits of weighted blankets lies in the concept of deep touch pressure stimulation, which has been found to have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Weighted blankets work by applying gentle pressure to the body, mimicking the feeling of being hugged or held. This stress helps stimulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating mood and sleep. Serotonin is converted into melatonin, the hormone that controls our sleep-wake cycle, resulting in deeper, more restful sleep. Additionally, using weighted blankets has been found to reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increase the production of oxytocin, a hormone responsible for promoting feelings of calm and relaxation.

Research shows that using a weighted blanket can help improve sleep quality and duration, reduce anxiety and stress, and relieve symptoms of conditions such as ADHD, autism, and sensory processing disorder. A study published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine and Disorders found that participants who used weighted blankets had significantly fewer insomnia symptoms and better overall sleep quality than those who used regular blankets.

In addition to their sleep-promoting benefits, weighted blankets have been found to help manage chronic pain symptoms and provide relief for people with fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other chronic conditions. The gentle pressure produced by a weighted blanket can help relieve muscle and joint pain, promote relaxation and reduce discomfort.

When choosing a weighted blanket, it is important to consider the weight of the blanket in relation to your body weight. General advice is to choose a blanket that weighs approximately 10% of your body weight. This ensures that the blanket provides enough pressure to stimulate a calming effect without feeling too cumbersome or restrictive.

At Kuangs, we are committed to providing high-quality weighted blankets designed to provide the ultimate in comfort and relaxation. Our weighted blankets are made from high-quality materials and are available in a variety of sizes and weights to suit personal preference. Each blanket is engineered to evenly distribute weight, providing consistent and gentle pressure for a soothing and restorative experience.

If you're ready to experience the countless benefits of weighted blankets, look no further than Kuangs' collection. Our weighted blankets are not only luxurious and stylish, but they're also backed by scientific research and customer satisfaction. Invest in your health and bring home a weighted blanket today. Experience the power a weighted blanket can play in promoting better sleep, reducing stress, and enhancing overall relaxation. You deserve the best, and our weighted blankets are designed to meet your needs.

Post time: Dec-11-2023